Since 2015, we have demonstrated class leading drones and positioned ourselves as a drone manufacturer that will address consumer and commercial drone use cases. Even though we started off with a focus on making camera-borne drones, we soon came across a bigger problem that can be easily solved with drones, problem with spraying of crops, an age-old problem just waiting for us to solve.

The challenges for consumer drone manufacturers are similar to those of other consumer electronics manufacturers, such as smartphones and tablet computers. These companies invest heavily in research and development to stay ahead of the competition. We’ve overcome the three biggest challenges faced by any startup, we now have the technology, the supply chain and products that are appealing to a wider market.

We are presently based out in India at Hubli, Bangalore and Hyderabad. However, with our technology-market fit we believe the whole world is our oyster.

We believe that our products can only be as good as our teams, which is why we make sure to build the best teams to produce the best products. Our culture encourages each individual to bring out their very best. Our team is the product.

We make amazing drones, but our best-kept secret is, we are an amazing team that makes amazing drones!

Drones are the next biggest disruption in our society. They can be our computers, sprayers or eyes in the sky. This opens up new business opportunities that have never existed before, and some of these opportunities are quite big in business.

Our drones are made with the user in mind, that simple statement has many ramifications in technology, affordability, legality, customization, ease of use and return on investment. Transparency and compliance are built into our culture, whether it is the fit and finish of our products, the policies that govern data, or compliance with the regulations.

Skykrafts Aerospace is committed to the responsibility that we owe to all of our stakeholders, including customers, end-users, investors, and citizens. That responsibility extends to our drones as well – absolute compliance with the laws of the land is of utmost importance to us.

 Founder’s Note

A drone is no longer just a toy! it is a platform on which a variety of applications and business models can be built. Drones are quickly emerging as an integral part of our lives.

Today we can find a plethora of new innovations, this includes new ways to map more accurately, flight planners for in-flight computations, insurance for drone operations and marketplaces for hiring pilots and operators. However, there are still many challenges in making them better, for instance, autonomy is limited and operational life between charging also needs improvement.

Every challenge is also an opportunity in waiting, for us at Skykrafts Aerospace, the way is as fascinating as the destination.

Join us in this amazing journey of making “A Drone for Everyone”

-Srinivasulu Reddy